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Austin Personal Injury Lawyer

Maximizing Your Compensation After an Injury

Accidents happen – and quite often, they are not your fault.  The resulting injuries can leave you traumatized, in physical pain and financially devastated. The combination of hefty medical, hospital, and rehabilitation bills, the loss of income from being unable to work, and the property damage resulting from the accident can be considerable. Filing a successful personal injury lawsuit against the parties whose negligence caused your accident can alleviate your financial distress and allow you to concentrate on your recovery.

Texas laws regarding personal injury are complicated, and insurance companies and their lawyers will attempt to deny your claim or convince you to settle for less than you deserve.

Making mistakes can be costly; it helps to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side. The skilled attorneys at the Evans/Reilley Law Firm know how to handle cases like these.

Our personal injury lawyer in Austin can help minimize the stress of the legal process and maximize your compensation.  If you or a loved one has been injured or someone has been killed due to the negligence of another, we have the compassion, knowledge, and experience you need to make a difference.

If you think you may have a case, contact a personal injury lawyer at the Evans/Reilley Law Firm for a free, no-obligation consultation at (512) 732-2727.

Why Choose Us?

If you have been injured because of the negligence of another individual or organization, selecting a personal injury attorney is one of the most important decisions you need to make. The Evans/Reilley Law Firm is well-suited to serve you because we . . .

  • Are experienced: We are well-versed in personal injury law and knowledgeable regarding the process in Austin. Our familiarity with the courts and the system positions us well to serve you.
  • Have access to resources: Evans/Reilley works closely with investigators, medical personnel, the police, engineers, and accident reconstruction experts when building personal injury cases.
  • Are focused on client satisfaction: One of the greatest testaments to the success we’ve achieved in personal injury cases is the satisfaction of our clients. Find out what our past clients have to say about their experiences with Evans/Reilley.
  • Earned a proven track record: Evans/Reilley has earned recognition in Texas and nationwide for our successful settlements and verdicts. We work diligently to maximize our clients compensation.
  • Have a favorable fee structure:  When you choose the Evans/Reilley Law Firm, you can rest assured that you won’t have to pay for anything unless we win or settle your case. There are no upfront fees.

The right firm can make a very real difference in the outcome of your legal action. The combination of these attributes help us bring incredible value to those we serve.

What Our Personal Injury Attorneys Can Do For You

We Handle Everything

Filing and managing a personal injury lawsuit requires a multitude of steps and significant time.  It can be incredibly challenging; the legal process is not something you should embark upon alone. This is where we add value. When you engage our personal injury lawyers you can rest assured we will manage the entire legal process on your behalf. We will:

  • Establish fault: Many catastrophic accidents involve multiple parties that can be held liable. The more parties involved in a personal injury case, the more complex the case can be. By conducting a thorough investigation of your accident, we can identify all those whose negligence played a role.
  • Estimate the value of your claim: Typically, the first offer you receive from an insurance company won’t compensate you appropriately. This is because the insurance company is trying to pay you as little as possible. Unfortunately, many injury victims in Austin, TX, have no idea about the true value of their cases and simply accept the first offer they receive from an insurance adjuster. At Evans/Reilley, our attorneys will gather and analyze all your medical records, property damage, and all relevant evidence to determine the total value of your claim.
  • Negotiate with insurance adjusters: Insurance companies are for-profit businesses. They make money by minimizing or denying payouts for claims. Our strong negotiating team will fight to secure fair compensation for the accident and your injuries.
  • Represent you in court: If negotiations with the insurance company are unsuccessful, our aggressive trial team is ready to litigate.  Our attorneys have experience in Texas courtrooms and are ready to represent you in court.

We handle all aspects of your case, from beginning to end.  This allows you to focus your time and energy where it is most needed — on your recovery.

Personal Injury Cases are Complicated

Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Austin Know How to Prove Negligence

To win your case, our attorneys must show that another party or parties, the defendants in the case, were negligent and at fault for causing your accident. The  four points that must be proven include:

  • Duty: The defendant owed you a legal duty not to cause harm.
  • Breach: The defendant breached this duty by acting recklessly or failing to act.
  • Cause: This breach caused the incident that resulted in your injury.
  • Damages: You suffered physical, financial, and/or emotional damages as a result.

Our team understands how to prove negligence and has a reputation for success in maximizing our clients’ compensation.

In some cases, there may be more than one negligent party responsible for your injuries.

For example, if a truck causes an accident, the negligent parties may include one or more of the following: the truck driver, the trucking company and its owner, maintenance personnel that didn’t maintain the truck appropriately, a supervisor that didn’t train the driver properly, the cargo company that didn’t load the cargo carefully, or the manufacturer of a faulty part that failed. As we conduct our investigations, our attorneys will look to identify all responsible parties.

Some of the evidence our attorneys may use to prove negligence include:

  • Medical records
  • Payroll records
  • Witness testimony
  • Toxicology reports
  • Testimonies from professionals like the police, engineers, and doctors
  • Video footage from dashcams, traffic cameras, security cameras, and body cams
  • Maintenance logs.

Never underestimate the challenges in proving your case. Even when things seem straightforward, the other parties may make the compensation process stressful and complicated. The team at Evans/Reilley will help determine what caused your accident and who is to blame for your injuries.

Personal Injury Compensation Is Multifaceted

Compensation in a successful personal injury case is complex. Some settlements result in thousands of dollars in compensation, while others lead to millions of dollars in a verdict or settlement. In general, the greater the injury and its costs, the more you will seek in a claim.

Some factors that go into determining settlement amounts include:

  • The extent, seriousness, and permanence of your injuries
  • Whether you will need continuing care
  • Your actual costs for medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage
  • Your age, family situation, and earning capacity
  • The availability of insurance and assets to go toward a settlement
  • The inclination of a particular judge and jury
  • The skill of your attorney in negotiating, building, and presenting your case.

When successful, you may receive compensation that covers both your economic or monetary losses and your non-economic damages (those that do not have a specific dollar value but negatively impact your life). Examples of a personal injury settlement may include compensation for:

  • Medical and rehabilitation expenses
  • Property damage
  • Loss of income
  • Pain and suffering (both physical and emotional)
  • Loss of consortium and enjoyment of life
  • Disability.

Our personal injury lawyers will help identify the totality of your losses, including those that may not be realized until after the trial. We recognize the importance of looking at the long-term impact of your accident — you only have one opportunity to recover damages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dealing with a serious personal injury is difficult, and you are bound to have questions and concerns. The following are some answers to questions our attorneys are often asked.

What should I do after an accident?

Immediately after your accident, our lawyers recommend calling the police, seeking medical attention, taking photos and videos of the scene, and contacting a reliable personal injury attorney from Evans/Reilley.

How long do I have to file a lawsuit?

In general, you have two years from the date of the accident that led to the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. If the injuries result in a wrongful death, you generally have two years from the date of death to file a wrongful death claim. This time limit is called a “statute of limitations,” and the provisions can be found in detail in Texas statutes. If you fail to file your lawsuit on time, the Texas civil court system will most probably refuse to hear your case, and you will permanently lose your right to seek compensation.

What is negligence?

Negligence is a “failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances.” One is considered negligent if they do something that a reasonably careful individual wouldn’t do in similar circumstances. For example, no reasonable person would drive drunk on Austin roads.

Do I have a valid case if I wasn’t severely hurt?

Technically, yes. If someone else’s negligence led to your accident, you can file an injury claim and recover the damages you lost due to the accident. This applies regardless of how severe your injuries are. Always see  your physician after an accident Such visits provide evidence that can prove injuries due to the accident. A hospital visit also helps to rule out injuries that may not be immediately apparent, like concussions.

Should I talk to the insurance company?

No, the less you say to them, the better. Insurance adjusters are not on your side; their goal is to increase the company’s bottom line and pay out as little  as possible. They will use tactics to lessen or deny the payments. Anything you say to them can be used against you. Simply refer all insurance inquiries to your personal injury attorney. Let us handle all communication.

What if I did something to contribute to the accident?

If you did something that contributed to the accident, you might still be able to get a settlement as long as you are not more than 50 percent at fault. According to Texas law (Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Title 2, Subtitle C, Chapter 33, Subchapter A, Sec. 33.001), the amount of damages you can recover is reduced by the same percentage as what is determined to be your level of fault in causing the accident. For example, if it is determined that you were 20 percent at fault and the settlement was for $100,000, our attorneys could still help you collect $80,000.

What if a loved one died in the accident?

In Texas, a victim’s spouse, child, parent, or estate executor may pursue a wrongful death claim, seeking a damage award to cover financial losses and emotional suffering. In addition, our attorneys can help you file a survivor action, which is like a personal injury lawsuit allowed after a death.

Texas law states that an action for wrongful death may be brought if the “wrongful act, neglect, carelessness, unskillfulness, or default” of one party causes the death of another.

How much does it cost to hire a personal injury lawyer?

Our attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means we take on all costs and expenses of your case, and you pay nothing unless and until we win. Fees and costs are then taken out of the settlement award.

We recognize that you likely have many more questions specific to your personal case.  We are happy to meet with you and provide more detailed responses.  Contact us to schedule a free consultation during which we can learn more about you and your accident.

Evans/Reilley Gets Results for Injured People

We Are Proud of Our Success

You want to work with professionals who have had success handling cases similar to yours.  Nothing speaks louder to a firm’s ability than their reputation.  Below we have shared the stories of a just a few of our clients who have benefited from our personal injury law expertise:

  • A Dallas County man, struck by an out-of-control car:  His severe injuries resulted in months of missed work and led to a pulmonary embolism. We were able to recover compensation for his injuries, lost wages, and hospital care for his embolism recovery.
  • A Collin County boy, attacked by a dog while playing in his front yard:  We secured enough compensation that the boy’s parents were able to put aside funds for his future educational needs.
  • A Tarrant County man, struck by a drunk driver:  We won the maximum amount of all available liability insurance for our client, and we found extra health and disability coverage for his medical costs.

We work hard to help our clients move forward with their lives. For example, we often call upon our medical provider contacts in order to get clients the care they need to recover from an injury – quickly.

Working with an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Is Wise

Contact Evans/Reilly Today

The attorneys at Evans/Reilly handle a broad range of personal injury cases.  In addition to vehicle accidents, including those involving trucks, other motorists, cyclists and pedestrians in our city and state, we handle cases that include slips and falls, wrongful death, burn injuries, spinal cord and brain injuries, nursing home abuse, premises liability, car accidents, and work injuries. If you believe you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, call us today.

When it comes to legal action regarding personal injury, time is valuable. Allowing us to begin to work for you while the evidence is fresh and witnesses can be found increases your chances of success.  Don’t delay!  Contact Evans/Reilley today at (512) 732-2727 for a free and confidential consultation.

Attorney Chip Evans

Austin Attorney Chip EvansChip Evans is a partner at Evans & Herlihy. Chip brings to the firm more than 20 years of experience as a trial lawyer representing Plaintiffs. It is the desire to help individuals, not corporations, that attracts Chip to this side of the docket. [ Attorney Bio ]